Eating in the car is a common habit for many drivers, but it has downsides. Here are five reasons to think twice before chowing down while driving.


Your car is one giant food trap

One of the most significant downsides of eating in your car is that it can quickly turn your vehicle into a food trap. No matter how careful you might be, food crumbs, grease and other bits of food have a high chance of finding their way into hard-to-reach areas.

Between seats, in crevices and other places inside your car that you won’t spot instantly, tiny bits of food can accumulate and become a breeding ground for bacteria and unpleasant smells. Even if you try to clean up after yourself, it’s hard to get every last crumb, and they can continue to attract pests and create an unclean environment.

Smell Linger

Lingering food smells

Eating in your car can create a mess and leave behind unpleasant smells that can linger for a long time. If you leave these behind, the smells can come from leftover food, spilled drinks, and even the aroma of fast food wrappers. These odours can be challenging to eliminate and can stick around in your car’s upholstery, carpets, and air conditioning system for days, weeks or even months.

If the odour of the food is absorbed by the car’s fabrics, such as the material of your seats, this means that even a quick wipe-down won’t get rid of the small. Using a car air freshener might temporarily mask the odour but sometimes won’t eliminate it. The odours could even permeate your car’s air conditioning system if they are strong enough.

Not A Healthy Habit

It’s an unhealthy habit

Eating in the car can also become an unhealthy habit. When you’re on the go, it’s convenient to grab fast food or snacks that are likely high in calories, salt, and fat and low in nutritional value. Mindless eating can also cause you to overeat and not be aware of your calorie intake, which can lead to further health issues.

To combat the adverse health effects of regularly eating in your car, it’s important to consciously choose healthy foods whenever possible. It might mean packing a nutritious lunch or snack to eat on the go or choosing healthier takeaway options like grilled chicken or salads instead of burgers and fries. Practising mindful eating is also a good idea, which means paying attention to your food and how it makes you feel. 

Selling Your Car

Trouble selling your car

Finally, eating in the car can also make it harder to sell. As we’ve already mentioned, lingering smells can be a turnoff for buyers. But even if your car doesn’t smell, stains and spills can make it look unclean and poorly maintained. This can give potential buyers the impression that you haven’t taken good care of your car during its ownership and might discourage them from showing interest.

Regardless of the state of your car’s interior and whether you choose to eat in it or not, you’ll need an independent, reputable and reliable mechanic to service your vehicle! Contact the experts at Sutherland Automotive! Book an appointment online today!